Active Patients Only and Options

From Select Patient , accessed from any Vision 3 module, System Administrators have the following options:

Active Patients Only

Active Patients only enables you to:

  • List only active patients - Tick to have only active patients returned in your patient search, this includes those with permanent, applied, current temporary resident, emergency , special maternity and contraceptive registration statuses. In addition, it lists any patients specified in Options.
  • List all patients with any registration status - Remove the tick from Active Patients only to display all patients, regardless of their Registration Status.


To enable Inactive Patient Options:

  1. From the Select Patient screen, tick Display Active Patients Only.

  2. Select Options.

  3. Select which inactive patients to include in a Select Patient active patient list:

  4. Complete as required:

    • Patient Options:

      • Show Warning on PDS Update - England only - Select to display a warning on PDS Update.

      • Display Active Patients only - Select to display patients with a current active Registration Status only.

    • Inactive Patient Options:

      • Transferred Out - Enter the time you wish to elapse before these transferred out patients no longer appear on the active patient list.

      • Temporary Resident <16 Days - Select how long after the short Temporary Resident registration lapses that the patient displays as an Active patient.

      • Temporary Resident 16 Days - 3 Months - Select how long after the long Temporary Resident registration lapses that the patient displays as an Active patient.

      • Immediately Necessary Treatment - Select how long after an Immediately Necessary Treatment registration is created the patient displays as an Active patient.

      • Emergency Treatment - Select how long after an Emergency Treatment registration is created the patient displays as an Active patient.

Training Tip - Use the usual Vision 3 shorthand of D for days, w for weeks, m for months, or Y for years, for example, 1D = one day, 2W = two weeks, 4M = four months, 5Y = five years.
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