Viewing Deleted Records

If a patient has deleted entries on their record, you are alerted in the Alerts pane:

To view deleted records for a patient:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient required.
  2. From Consultationselect Options - Show Deleted Records.
  3. The title bar displaying the patients demographic details displays in red and and the Status Bar states DISPLAYING DELETED DATA.
  4. Select Summary - Medical Overview.
  5. A list of all the patient's deleted data displays, simply select the data type on the left to view the details on the right:

  6. To return to live data mode, from Consultation, select Options - Show Deleted Recordsagain to remove the tick.
    Note - You can control the staff that have access to the Deleted Data screen from Control Panel - Security - Vision functions - Global - Access to Archived Data.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.