Creating and Saving Free Slot Searches

If you create a search for a free slot that you think you will use on a regular basis, for example, a nurse appointment in the next seven days, or an appointment with yourself in 2 weeks time, you can create and save a Free Slot search that then can be a permanent tab on your Consultation Manager - Appointments list.

To create a free slot search and save it as an additional tab:

  1. From Consultation Manager, with or without a patient selected, select the Appointments - Free Slot tab.

  2. Select View Search Parameters , the Parameters For Search screen displays:

    Remove the tick from All in the section(s) required and select from the following:

    • Staff - Select all clinicians and/or clinics as required.

    • Day - Select all the days to include in your search.

    • Slot Type - Select the type(s) of appointments to include in your search.

    • Start from Today - Select a time frame for your search.

    • Session Type - Select the type of session this appointment should be part of.

  3. Select Save and the Save Search screen displays:

  4. In Enter name for Search enter a name for this search and then select OK to save.

  5. The 'Search details have been successfully saved' message displays, select OK.

  6. Now to create a tab of this search, select All Searches and the All Saved Searches screen displays.

  7. Highlight the search to create a tab from and select Add.

    Training Tip - To see the details of the search you can simply select View.
  8. Select Close and Close again.

The next time you open the Appointments tab or your Appointments List, the search is added as a tab at the bottom of the screen:

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