How ScriptSwitch Works
ScriptSwitch will operate with:
- Acute Therapy - Add
- Acute Therapy - Update
- Repeat Master -Add
- Repeat Master - Update
- Reauthorise single repeat master (but not at this stage, multiple reauthorisations).
However, ScriptSwitch will not be invoked if the Therapy screen has been triggered from DXS.
When you click OK on Therapy Add, ScriptSwitch determines whether there are any recommendations for the current drug and displays the screen showing the following:
ScriptSwitch Screen
The prescriber then has three options:
- Accept - The existing drug, quantity and dosage are replaced by those suggested, and the Therapy Add screen is re-displayed. The prescriber then checks the amended Therapy Add before confirming OK again.
- Edit Original - You are returned to the Therapy Add screen.
- Prescribe Original - The Therapy Add screen is saved with your original entry.