Currently Relevant

All data entries are copied to a Currently Relevant screen (from the Summary menu), and unless they are deliberately removed by the user (see below), this screen will contain a summary of the patient's entries in Consultation Manager.

Problems are listed in the top left pane. Next to this is Therapy acutes and repeat issues. In the middle pane are any Recalls and on the right, Immunisations Due. The date of the last consultation is given and its clinician. The bottom pane contains a list of general history entries.

Display and options at Currently Relevant

Once a patient has been selected, display the Currently Relevant screen by one of the following:

  • Either select Summary - Currently Relevant;
  • Or, from Medical Records Overview, double click on Problems, which displays a Problem List, then click with the right mouse button on the line Currently Relevant, and click on Problem View;
  • Or, from the Current Problems screen, click with the right mouse button on the line Currently Relevant, and click on Problem View.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.