Data Protection Act

The Data Protection Act allows the patient to have access to information held about them on the computer, known as 'right to subject access'. They also have the right to have this information corrected or deleted, where appropriate.

The easiest way to print this out is from Searches Patient ReportFull. This gives all the patient's registration details and all their clinical data. There are some details the Full Patient report omits which strictly speaking by law the patient should see on the printout – the Previous Surname, Second Forename and Other Forenames.

Note - The report cannot include the carers name, just an entry indicate a carer.

To ensure compliance:

  1. Before running the Patient Report, find out if the patient has a carer.
    If so, add a Medical History entry with a READ code 918F Has a carer.
  2. Run and print out the Full Patient Report.
  3. Open a new Ad-Hoc search.
  4. In the Search Details section, under Patient Details, select Current NHS Number or CHI number.
  5. Enter the patient's NHS / CHI number.
  6. Then in Report Output, select Detailed.
  7. Select Run.
    This gives all the patient's registration entries, but no clinical data.