Repeat Dispensing

From Vision 3, you can produce a repeatable prescription with a series of ‘batch issues’ of up to a year’s duration, this is known as Repeat Dispensing.

The pharmacy retains the signed repeatable prescription and the patient keeps the remaining batch issues, or asks the pharmacist to keep them on their behalf, until they require another issue of their medication.

England only - For practices enabled for EPS, you can also manage repeat dispensing electronically.

In this section

Switching on Repeat Dispensing

Add a Repeat Dispensing Prescription in Therapy

Printing a Repeat Dispensing Prescription

Editing a Repeat Dispensing Item

Deleting a Repeat Dispensing Prescription or Issues

Reauthorise Repeat Dispensing Item

Turn Repeat Item(s) into Repeat Dispensing Items

Re-print Batch Prescription