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Recording Consent for KIS

  1. From Consultation Manager, select List -ECS Summary Management
  2. Select Summary and Consent Status - More.
  3. Select Change within the KIS column.

  4. Consent for KIS upload displays:

  1. Complete as required:
    • KIS Consent Given - Select if the patient agrees to a KIS upload
    • KIS Consent Declined - Select if the patient refuses a KIS upload
    • Lacks Capacity - Select if the patient lacks capacity. Read term 9NdL.00 Lacks capacity to give consent (Mental Capacity Act 2005) is added to the patient record
    • Notes - Enter as required
  2. Click OK to save and close.

    Note - The KIS Status traffic light automatically turns Green if consent has been given and a Decision to send KIS recorded - See Recording a Decision to Send/Not Send KIS. The traffic light is Red if consent is refused or you have not yet recorded a decision to send KIS.

If the patient refuses consent for a KIS upload, you can select to override the consent and send a KIS (if ECS consent is given or implied) or a KIS Special Note (if ECS consent is refused).

The Override section must be completed:

  • Override Dissent - Select if appropriate
  • Reason for override - Select from the available list
  • Patient aware of override - Select if appropriate
  • Notes - A short explanation of the override decision should be entered for example, dementia, young person at risk etc.