Summary and Consent Status

To view the patient consent status for all summaries:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient required.
  2. Select List - ECS Summary Management.
  3. The ECS Summary Management Module screen displays. The full patient’s summary and consent status is initially hidden, but a summary for each service is indicated by the consent status traffic lights:

Note - Patients who do not have a Permanent registration status, and are therefore not eligible for ECS, have grey traffic lights.

The Consent Status traffic lights indicate the following:

Note - No consent is required for Palliative Care Summary.


  • (green) ECS enabled and consented to by this patient
  • (yellow) ECS enabled, implied consent for patient in the absence of a specific record
  • (red) ECS enabled, consent is denied for this particular patient


  • (green) KIS data will be sent
  • (yellow) This state does not occur
  • (red) KIS data will not be sent. If data has been sent previously a blank record is sent to clear the record.


In this section

Adding Consent Status