Additional OOH Arrangements

Additional Out of hours arrangements for the patient are displayed here if recorded, if no OOH arrangements have been recorded No data recorded displays:

To add an OOH Arrangement:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient required and then select List - ECS Summary Management.
  2. From the Palliative Care Summary tab, select Additional OOH Arrangements, and then Add.
  3. The OOH Arrangements (Palliative Care) - Add screen displays:

  4. Complete as required:
    • Date of Establishing Plan - Defaults to today’s date, this can be changed if required.
    • Clinician - Defaults to the clinician logged in, if a member of staff is logged in the default is either the Usual or Registered GP.
    • Read Term - Defaults to the correct Read term, this must not be changed.
    • Date Discussed with Patient - Enter the date of your discussion.
    • Patient Discussed Notes - Enter any comments.
    • Date Discussed with Carer - Enter the date of your discussion.
    • Carer Discussed Notes - Enter your comments.
    • GP Should Be Contacted OOH - Tick if required.
    • GP OOH Contact Notes - Enter any comments.
    • GP Contact Number - Enter a contact number for the GP to be contacted.
    • Notes - Enter any further comments.
  5. Select OK to save and close.

To update or view existing Additional OOH Arrangements:

If additional OOH arrangements already exist, the details display within Additional OOH Arrangements:

Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.