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Viewing the Alert Indicator Screen

  1. In Consultation Manager, select the patient and open a consultation.
  2. After analysing the patient's data the Alert Indicator screen displays.

    Note - If the Alert Indicator screen does not display immediately you see a warning message in the notification window advising that Vision+ is updating. As soon as Vision+ is up-to-date the Alert indicator screen automatically presents.

    Alert Indicator Screen

  3. The screen shows a list of criteria relevant to the patient, and displays:
    • Category Headings - QOF Categories eg Dementia
    • Contract Indicators - QOF Indicators eg Dementia Care Plan
    • Passive risk calculations - The alert window shows a patient's risk score as a passive calculation. See Passive Calculators on the Alert Indicator Screen.
    • Vision+ Protocols - You also see alerts for additional protocols/templates that you have downloaded

      Note - All categories are expanded by default to show the indicators within them.

  4. To collapse the heading click the collapse button and to expand the heading click the expand button.
  5. You can double click on any indicator line to enter data. See Data Entry.

    Note - Retired QOF indicators are not displayed. If you want to continue viewing or recording retired indicator data, it can be reactivated in Vision+ Settings. This is a user specific option. See the Configuration and Settings help.

Vision+ Reminders

Missing patient data

In this section

Patients with Death Recorded Excluded from Vision+