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Respiratory Disease Read Terms

Entries can be made either from History Add, or Select Read Term, or in the case of asthma, from the Asthma Management Plan.

To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, e.g., #1683, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

Respiratory Symptoms / Investigations Read terms

1375 Heavy smoker - 20-39 cigs/day

1371 Never smoked tobacco

137L Current non-smoker

137R Current smoker (current, smoker)

1381 Exercise physically impossible

1382 Avoid even trivial exercise

1383 Enjoys light exercise

14B1 H/O: hay fever (hay)

14B2 H/O: pneumonia (pneumonia)

14B4 H/O: Asthma (asthma)

171 Cough (cough)

1712 Dry Cough

1713 Clear Cough

1714 Productive Cough - green sputum

1715 Productive Cough - yellow sputum

172 Haemoptysis (blood, sputum, haemoptysi)

173 Breathlessness (breathless)

1737 Wheezing

173A Exercise induced asthma (asthma, exercise)

173B Nocturnal cough / wheeze (cough, nocturnal, wheeze)

1C6 Nose bleed symptoms (bleed, nose)

1C7 Snoring symptoms (snoring)

1C8 Nasal symptoms OS

1C9 Sore Throat (sore, throat)

1CA Hoarseness symptom (hoarseness)

1CB Throat symptoms NOS (throat)

21262 Asthma resolved

23 Examination of respiratory system (examinatio, respirator)

231511 O/E chest examination normal (chest)

3395 Peak exp. Flow rate: PEFR/PFR

3397 Forced expiratory volume - FEV in the last year (FEV, forced)

339O Forced expired volume in 1 second in the last year (expired, forced,second, volume)

33G1 Spirometry - reversibility positive (positive)

36141 Bronchoscopy normal

36151 Bronchoscopy abnormal

Respiratory Diagnoses / Interventions Read terms

6572 Pneumococcal vaccination (pneumococc)

65E Influenza vaccination (flu, influenza)

663 Respiratory disease monitoring including:

663..11 Asthma monitoring (asthma)

663.. 12 Chronic resp. dis. Monitoring (respirator)

6636 Inhaler technique shown (inhaler)

6637 Inhaler technique observed (inhaler)

6638 Home nebuliser

6639 Home oxygen supply

663F Oral steroids started (started)

663L Bronchodilators used more than once daily (bronchodil)

663U Asthma management plan given (management, plan)

66YB Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring

66YM Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease annual review

66YJ Asthma annual review (asthma, annual, review)

68M Spirometry screening (spirometry)

744H Diagnostic fibreoptic bronchoscopy

744F Diagnostic fibreoptic endoscopic examination of trachea

744B Diagnostic bronchoscopic examination below trachea

7445 Therapeutic rigid bronchoscopic operations on trachea

7446 Diagnostic endoscopic exam trachea using rigid bronchoscope

760L Antireflex operations (antireflux)

8CAL Smoking cessation advice (smoking)

8I2F Influenza vaccination contraindicated (influenza)

9N1d Seen in Asthma clinic

9OJA Asthma monitoring check done

9OX Influenza vacc.administration (influenza, vaccinatio)

A340 Streptococcal sore throat (sore, streptococ, throat)

B22 Malignant neoplasm of trachae, bronchus & lung (lung)

C370 Cystic fibrosis (cf, cystic)

H00 Acute nasopharyngitis (nasopharyn)

H01 Acute sinusitis (sinusitis)

H02 Acute Pharyngitis (pharyngiti)

H03 Acute Tonsillitis (tonsilliti)

H04 Acute Laryngitis & Tracheitis

H044 Croup (croup

H05 Other acute upper respiratory infections

H05z URTI (upper, uri)

H05z.11 Upper respiratory tract infection NOS

H06 Acute Bronchitis & Bronchiolitis

H060 Acute bronchitis (bronchitis)

H06z1 Lower respiratory tract infection (lower, resp, tract)

H07 Chest cold (chest, cold)

H0y Other specified acute respiratory infections

H0z Acute respiratory infection NOS

H12 Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis (chronic)

H13 Chronic sinusitis (chronic, sinusitis)

H160 Chronic laryngitis (laryngitis)

H17 Allergic rhinitis (allergic, rhinitis)

H2 Pneumonia and influenza (pneumonia)

H20 Viral pneumonia (viral)

H21 Lobar (pneumococcal) pneumonia (lobar, pneumococc)

H22 Other bacterial pneumonia (bacterial)

H23 Pneumonia due to other specified organisms

H24 Pneumonia with infectious diseases EC

H25 Bronchopneumonia due to unspecified organisms (bronchopne)

H26 Pneumonia (unspecified)

H27 Influenza (fluenza, influenza)

H27z..11 Flu like illness (flu)

H28 Atypical pneumonia (atypical)

H3 Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease (chronic, copd, obstructiv, pulmonary)

H30 Bronchitis unspecified (bronchitis)

H31 Chronic Bronchitis (bronchitis, chronic)

H310 Simple chronic bronchitis (simple)

H3100 Chronic catarrhal bronchitis (catarrhal)

H310z Simple chronic bronchitis NOS

H311 Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (mucopurule)

H3110 Purulent chronic bronchitis (purulent)

H312 Obstructive chronic bronchitis (obstructiv)

H3120 Chronic asthmatic bronchitis (asthmatic)

H313 Mixed simple and mucupurulent chronic bronchitis (mixed, mucopurule, simple)

H32 Emphysema (emphysema)

H33 Asthma (asthma)

H33z1 Asthma attack (attack)

H3z Chronic obstructive airways disease NOS

H34 Bronchiectasis (bronchiect)

H35 Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (allergic, alveolitis, extrinsic)

H37 Moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (moderate)

H4 Lung disease due to external agents (lung)

H42 Silica and silicate pneumoconiosis (silica)

H5 Other respiratory system diseases

H52 Pneumothorax (pneumothor)

H581 Interstitial emphysema (emphysema, interstiti)

H582 Compensatory emphysema (compensato, emphysema)

H591 Chronic respiratory failure

H5B Sleep Apnoea

H5C Choking due to airways obstruction (airways, choking, obstructio)

P8 Respiratory system congenital abnormalities (respirator)

R0609 [D] Wheezing (wheezing)