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Minor Surgery and Major Surgery

Major Surgery records can be entered using History Add or Select Read Term. To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, e.g., #7130, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

To find the specific operation, once you have the main heading e.g. 73 Ear Operations, either use the down arrow key and scroll down, or press F3 for the full Read-Select screen, then highlight the line and click on Display by Hierarchy. Then drill down until you find the operation you want to record.

70 Nervous System operations (nervous)

71 Endocrine System and Breast operations

711 Thyroid gland and parathyroid gland operations

7130 Total mastectomy operation (mastectomy)

7131 Other excision of breast operations (excision)

72 Eye operations (eye)

7212 Extirpation of lesion of eyelid (extirpatio)

7265 Incision of capsule of lens (capsule, incision, lens)

7267 Prosthesis of lens (prosthesis, lens)

7272 Destruction of lesion of retina

73 Ear operations (ear)

7313 Drainage of middle ear (drainage, middle)

74 Respiratory Tract operations (respirator, tract)

7402 Operation on septum of nose (septum)

7404 Surgical arrest of bleeding from internal nose (arrest, bleeding, surgical)

7406 Other operation on internal nose

7421 Operation on adenoid

75 Mouth operations (mouth)

7511 Surgical removal of tooth (surgical, removal)

7512 Simple extraction of tooth (extraction, simple)

7530 Excision of tonsil (excision)

76 Upper Digestive Tract ops (digestive, tract, upper)

761F Diagnostic fibreoptic endoscopic examination of upper gastric tract (endoscopic, fibreoptic)

77 Lower Digestive Tract ops (digestive, lower, tract)

771J Diagnostic endoscopic examination of colon (diagnostic, endoscopic)

771M Diagnostic fibreoptic sigmoidoscopic examination lower bowel (diagnostic, endoscopic, fibreoptic, sigmoidosc)

7734 Excision of haemorrhoid (excision)

78 Other Abdominal Organ operations

7810 Excision of gall bladder (excision)

7B2A Diagnostic cystoscopy (cystoscopy, diagnostic)

79 Heart operations (heart)

792 Coronary artery operations

7926 Connection of other thoracic artery to coronary artery (connection)

7A Artery and Vein operations (artery, vein)

7A4B Transluminal operations on femoral or popliteal artery

7A67 Ligation of varicose vein of leg (leg, ligation, varicose, vv)

7B Urinary operations (urinary)

7B00 Transplantation of kidney (transplant)

7B27 Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of bladder (endoscopic)

7B36 Open prostatectomy (prostatect)

7B39 Endoscopic resection of outlet of male bladder or prostate (male)

7C Male Genital Organ operations (genital, male, organ)

7C11 Excision of vas deferens (deferens, excision, vas)

7D Lower Female Genital Tract operations (female, genital, lower, tract)

7D18 Other repair of vaginal prolapse (prolapse, repair)

7D1C Exploration of vagina (exploratio)

7E Upper Female Genital Tract operations (female, genital, tract, upper)

7E01 Destruction of lesion of cervix uteri (cervix, destructio)

7E04 Abdominal excision of uterus (abdominal)

7E05 Vaginal excision of uterus (vaginal)

7E07 Curettage of uterus (curettage)

7E08 Other evacuation of contents of uterus (evacuation)

7E15 Open bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes (bilateral, occlusion)

7E16 Other open occlusion of fallopian tube (occlusion)

7E1C Endoscopic bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes (endoscopic, occlusion)

7E1D Other endoscopic occlusion of fallopian tube (endoscopic, occlusion)

7F Obstetric operations (obstetric)

7G Skin operations (skin)

7G05 Other excision of lesion of skin

7G09 Other destruction of lesion of skin of other site (destructio)

7G091 Cryotherapy to lesion of skin NEC (cryotherap)

7G0A Punch biopsy of skin (biopsy, punch)

7H Soft Tissue operations (soft, tissue)

7H11 Primary repair of inguinal hernia (hernia, inguinal, primary, repair)

7J Skull or Spine Bone and Joint operations (bone, joint, skull, spine)

7K Other Bone and Joint operations (bone)

7K20 Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement (cement, prosthetic, replacemen, total)

7K30 Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement (cement, prosthetic, replacemen, total)

7K62 Other total prosthetic replacement of other joint (prosthetic, replacmen, total)

7L0 Operations covering multiple systems (e.g. amputations, corrections of congenital deformities) covering, multiple, system)

8B64.11 Hormone implant - HRT (hormone, implant)

ZV58312 [V]Removal of sutures (ROS, suture)