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Drug Information for Patient

This is drug specific information that can be printed and handed to the patient. For example, for angina attacks, it can advise the patient what to do and when to use the GTN tablet under the tongue. See the section on Print Drug Information for Patient.

Note - This information prints out on the practice report printer. Patient Advice, which can be printed on the right-hand side of a prescription form, is different (see Print advice for non-drug therapy items on prescriptions).

To set up Drug Information for patients, click on the icon . This automatically includes both a sub-heading line called Drug Information for Patient, and a text line(s).

You can either type text in, or import it from, for example, Notepad. How to insert a text line, type in free text or import, and subsequently print it out is explained in Text.

In the example below, the Drug Information for Patient line is at level 3, under Glyceryl Trinitrate (level 2), and Antiplatelet therapy/nitrates (level 1).