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Problems versus Disease Registers for GMS Contract

There are two ways to group patients for the GMS Contract Quality Indicators

  • Either by Disease Registers (Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetic, Coronary heart disease, Stroke/TIA, Epilepsy, and though not strictly a register, Thyroid).
  • Or by Problems. A problem can be created for whatever category you like.

How best to identify the patients in these groups as well as those in the other QI categories of cancer, mental health, hypothyroidism?

  • The suite of GP Contract Quality Indicator Audits do this for you, as long as the "correct" READ codes have been entered on the patient's record.
  • The Quality Indicator Guidelines and their Read code triggers help you to enter the "correct" data and create a problem for that patients' record.
  1. Run Clinical Audits to create audit groups and identify patients from an audit group of register patients.
  2. In Patient Groups, find relevant audit groups and make into user groups, eg Asthma Register. You can then use the group to print out, tidy up disease registers, or optionally to Populate Problems.
  3. Tidy up register (see below).
  4. Populate Problems (see below) of those patients in order to create problems on the patients' records. Select one of the groups you created from the Patient Groups module. Patients with these problems then become a virtual register with that disease. This is optional and does not mean you have to use the full problem orientation if you are not used to it.
  5. Download and import the set of contract guidelines from the InPS website.
  6. For new patients, enter new diagnosis and manually, or semi-automatically, add a problem.

In this section

Tidy up the Register

To Review the Patients in a Group

Re-run the Search for Register Patients