Add Entries

To add new clinical entries using the right mouse, you need to have started a new consultation for a patient, either:

  • Select an option from the Add menu by clicking or Alt-A-.
  • Use the right mouse button and select Add from the displayed options, when at a Summary or List menu options.

The word - Add displays after the form title on the title bar, for example,Contraception - Add.

Note - If you find that the Add option is disabled (greyed out) when you right mouse click, this may be because you have not started a consultation.

The general entries found on most Add screens are the date of the record, and the GP or clinician making the entry.

Some Add screens also have extra buttons to record Health Promotion, Recall and Free Text Notes.

Once all the necessary entries have been made, click on OK. If you click on Cancel, the entries are not retained. Clicking on Help in some cases displays relevant on-screen help.