Registration Tab

The Registration screen in Consulation Manager shows general registration details for the patient. Apart from adding contact numbers and carers, you can only view details. Editing or adding registration data should be done in the Registration module which you can access from Consultation - Patient Registration.

You can add or edit telephone numbers for the currently selected patient which are listed under Contacts for Address and Contacts for Patient.

The Add to Address button lets you add a home telephone number for the address to which the patient, and their family members, are living. It is attached to the Address not the patient. This appears under Contacts for Address. In Registration, the equivalent is if you add a communication number (telephone number) in Registration underneath the Main Address Details on the Personal tab or under Addresses on the Address tab.

The Add to Patient button is for mobile and other contact numbers, email etc which are attached to the patient's details. This is listed under Contacts for Patient. In Registration, the equivalent is numbers added under Contact for Patients, formerly known as Other Contact Numbers - these are specific to that patient.

The distinction is made because if at any time you use the Amend Household function in Registration which alters the address of all family members, the telephone number attached to the main address is amended or transferred. The patient retains any numbers added under Add to Patient.

To add a patient's contact numbers (phone, email and other numbers), click on Add to Address or Add to patient. Enter the contact number and select the Type of Contact Number (

Note - You can select Relative or Carer from this list - if so, you can write free text after the contact number, eg 01234 541111 daughter). Click OK.

To edit a phone number, first highlight the phone number line under either Contacts for current address, or Contacts for Patient. Then click on Edit and amend the number; click OK.