Mail Manager Wizard

The wizard allows the practice to enter a date range and then pulls in all the message activity in Mail Manager and stores it on the MM tab in Excel for any further searches required.

It includes a few PivotTables to help analyse a few subject areas:

  • Number of actions being used in the practice (for tidying up purposes, i.e. reduce the amount of actions)
  • Count of all message types (Overall count of all messages)
  • GP2GP Counts and message analysis
  • eReferral Counts and message analysis
  • ePrescription Counts and message analysis
  • No of Actions set by Clinicians for others to do
  • No of MsgTypes assigned to clinicians to do
  • No of outstanding Actions that still haven't been completed
  • No of unfiled messages (not in the patient record)
Note - Messages in Excel may be fewer than in Mail Manager due to the date range that has been implemented in Excel.
Also if the messages in Excel cannot be seen in Mail Manager, this is due to the messages having been archived or the users rights, for example, they have not been added in Control Panel - Mail Maintenance - Actions or are not part of a Staff Group.



  • Updated: 26/06/2017 - This now skips certain Pivot Tables if the data doesn't exist. Many to accommodate use in all countries.
  • Updated: 29/08/2017 - This now includes a count of actions set by each member of staff.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.