Listing Therapy in Consultation Manager

Therapy records are divided between two lists:

  • Acute and Repeat Issues - One off prescriptions and any issues of repeat prescriptions are grouped under Therapy - Scripts or Current .

  • Repeat Masters - Listed under Therapy Repeats .

A patient's existing Therapy records can be listed in the follow ways:

  • From Add - Therapy Acute or Add - Therapy Repeat.
  • From List - Therapy Acute or List - Therapy Repeat.
  • Press <F4> for acutes or <F5> for repeats.
  • Select for a list of one-off acute prescriptions, and each issue of a repeat prescription on the Scripts tab.
  • Select for a list of repeat masters, on the Repeats tab.
See List Therapy from Therapy Tab of Patient Record

The Therapy tab has three tabs:

Training Tip - You can quickly reach the Therapy tab from other tabs by pressing either <F4> (Scripts) or <F5> (Repeats).
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.