Alerts display in the bottom left corner of the Consultation Manager screen:
You can also select Alerts to view them across your full screen.
![CM PRV Alert Icon](../../Resources/Images/Toolbar - Alert button_29x29.png)
Depending on the data missing or items due/overdue the following may display:
Drug allergy status not recorded - Indicates no drug allergy information is recorded:
Add Drug Allergy - Select to record a drug allergy.
Add No Drug Allergy - Select to record an absence of drug allergies. This records in Absence of Condition.
Registration Details incomplete - Indicates the patient's registration process is not finished:
Registration - Select to open Registration with the current patient selected. You can then complete the necessary registration details as required.
Health Promotion missing - Indicates data is recorded that should have Health Promotion:
Health Promotion - Select to view and add Health Promotion data, missing records display in red.
Current recalls due in next month - Any active recalls due next month display.
Immunisations Due in the Next Month - Any immunisations due in the next month display.
Ex-services - Displays if Ex-services is selected in the patient's Registration record.
Current Actions Due in Next Month - Any actions due in the next month display. These are recorded in Notepad.
, a Contact Verification Required alert displays if a patient has unverified contact details. To mark a contact type as verified, simply double click the alert to display the Patient Details screen, highlight the contact information that is not verified, select Edit, tick Verified and select OK.
Deleted Records exist for this patient, see Deleting Entries for details.
![](../../Resources/Images/Assets/Icons/snippet icons/printer_icon.png)