Core Data
When a patient is selected, regardless of the consultation type, any new Core Data is automatically populated into the Summary and is automatically sent to the Spine when you deselect the patient.
The following clinical information is known as Core Data:
- Current Repeat Medication - All active repeat medication, which has not been discontinued, in the last six months.
If there is a Repeat Until Date specified, it must be in the future or within the last six months. If there is no Repeat Until Date, then the number of issues must be less than the maximum or the last issued must have been made within the last six months.
Inactive Repeats received via GP2GP are not included.
Discontinued Repeat Medication - A discontinued repeat master is included in the SCR message if it was discontinued in the last six month.
Current Acute Medication - All acute medication prescribed in the last 12 months excluding repeat issues. OTC (Over The Counter) drugs and items prescribed elsewhere, for example, by a hospital are also included.
- Allergies and Intolerances - Including:
- Suspected adverse reactions
- Allergies to drugs, foods and any other substances, including allergies entered through the Allergies and Intolerances SDA and those added using clinical codes.
Coronavirus data - Any data relating to Coronavirus is included as Core Data, for example, test results and immunisations.