Yellow Card Messages
When you generate a Yellow Card message in Consultation Manager, Vision sends the report immediately via the Vision Message Bus. Once a Yellow Card is sent to the MHRA web service, if it is successfully sent Yellow card sent: Yes displays on the Drug allergy entry in Consultation Manager, if it is not sent for whatever reason, eg MHRA web service is unavailable, Yellow card sent: No displays.
Retransmission and Unsuccessful Yellow Card Messages
If the MHRA web service is unavailable and the Yellow Card message cannot be sent, Message Bus automatically attempts retransmission three times at 5 minute intervals. In this case, we recommend you print the yellow card and send it to the MHRA, either:
- Via email to yellow.card@mhra.gsi.gov.uk, or
- On paper, by post - FREEPOST YELLOW CARD (no other address details necessary)
If the issues persist then you should contact the helpline.