Show Prescription / Search Tab
If you are at the Current or Scripts tab, you can press an icon on the Therapy toolbar - Show Prescription - which will let you view the Prescription Manager screen at the Search tab. This lets you see printed items (printed since Advanced Printing was switched on) without having to do Print or F9. Note that the icon is greyed out from the Repeats tab (so you do not inadvertently make an issue of a repeat).
Once at the Prescription Manager screen, you can use the if the prescription has not yet been printed; or Reprint
if the prescription has been printed. (You will notice that the Reprint icon has been removed from the toolbar on the front Therapy screen).
On Prescription Manager Add, first select the prescription you want printed by clicking on the selection box on the blue header line (eg, Paper prescription group containing 5 items) then deselect any individual items you do not want to reprint. Press the Reprint button .
Note - The Search tab will display the text "No prescriptions found" if there is no displayable data.