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Re-print Batch Prescription

You can reprint issued batch prescriptions using Re-print to provide a duplicate.

  1. From Consultation Manager , select Therapy - Scripts.
  2. Highlight the issue you want to reprint.
  3. Select Reprint .
  4. The 'This item is a batch issue, do you want to reprint all batch issues?' displays, select:
    • Yes - To reprinted all the issues in a batch
    • No - You are asked if you want to reprint other drugs prescribed for this patient on the same day (if any), and only the issue highlighted in step 1 is reprinted.
  5. Complete the Prescription Reprint reason to explain the reason for the reprint.
  6. On the Print Therapy screen, you can remove the ticks from the issues you do not want to print.
  7. Finally select Print and the issues are reprinted.