Contraception - READ Terms
See also Women not needing contraception - READ terms.
- 611 General contraceptive advice
- 6141 Oral contraceptive started (started)
- 6143 Oral contraceptive restarted
- 6144 Oral contraceptive repeat
- 6145 Oral contraception - no problem
- 6146 Oral contraception - problem
- 6147 Combined oral contraceptive
- 6148 Progestagen only oral contrac.
- 6148.11 Mini pill: oral contraceptive (mini-pill)
- 6149 Oral contraceptive changed (changed)
- 614D Oral contraceptive prescribed
- 614E Oral contraceptive advice (advice)
- 614F Emergency contraception advice (contracept)
- 614Z Oral contraceptive NOS
- 6151 IUD fitted
- 6153 IUD re-fitted
- 6154 IUD checked - no problems
- 6155 IUD checked - problems
- 6156 IUD - defaulted from check
- 6158 IUD removal awaited
- 6159 IUD change due
- 615A IUD check due
- 615D IUD partially expelled
- 615E IUD threads lost
- 615F IUD check (check)
- 615G IUD in situ (situ)
- 615Z IUD - NOS
- 6161 CAP fitted
- 6162 CAP checked
- 6163 CAP renewed
- 6164 CAP - defaulted from check
- 616Z CAP - NOS
- 6171 Uses contraceptive sheath
- 6172 Uses sheath + spermicide
- 6181 Uses rhythm method
- 619 Withdrawal contraception (withdrawal)
- 61A Post-coital contraception (post-coita)
- 61B1 Depot Contraceptive given
- 61B2 Depot Contraceptive repeated
- 61B3 Depot Contraceptive - no problem
- 61B4 Depot Contraceptive - problem
- 61BZ Depot Contraceptive - NOS
- 61D1 Uses contraceptive sponge
- 61D2 Uses contr sponge & spermicide
- 61E1 Uses sympto-thermal contracepn
- 61E3 Sympto-thermal c’ceptn - problem
- 61E4 Sympto-thermal c’ceptn: no problem
- 61F1 Prescribed post-coital OCP
- 61F2 "Morning after" IUCD fitted
- 7E09. Intrauterine contraceptive device procedure
- 7E090 Introduction of intrauterine contraceptive device
- 7E091 Replacement of intrauterine contraceptive device
- 7E092 Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device NEC
- 7E093 Removal of displaced intrauterine contraceptive device
- 7E094 Introduction of Mirena coil
- 7E095 Removal of Mirena coil
- 7E09y Other specified intrauterine contraceptive device
- 7E09z Intrauterine contraceptive device procedure NOS
- 7G2H7 Removal of subcutaneous contraceptive
- 7G2H5 Removal of Norplant
- 9N0U Seen in family planning clinic