View Patient Record (F10, or Alt-S, V) see - The patient record is the central GP's working screen with tabbed sections for Journal, Filtered, Test Results, Management, Consultation etc. See Patient Record - Vision 3 Views
Patient Preview - (Alt-S, W) displays the Patient Preview screen if enabled. See Patient Preview.
Medical Overview (Alt-S, M) gives an overview of all the data entries made for this patient. See Medical Record Overview
Currently Relevant (Alt-S, C) - the patient's current problems - see Currently Relevant
Alerts (Alt-S, A) - see Alert. This icon on the toolbar may flash if specific records are missing or items are due for your attention as a reminder of any outstanding recalls or due actions for the patient.
Patient Details (Alt-S, P) - Here you can view (but not amend) the patient's Registration Details and family members. Any changes to registration details must be made in the Registration module, except you can add or amend telephone and contact numbers, and add Carers. This screen is explained in Patient Details and Contacts
Prevention Display (Alt-S, R) - Latest records for smears, contraception, blood pressure, smoking, alcohol, height/weight, BMI, diet, exercise, allergies and intolerances.
National Summary (country dependant)
CCG (country dependant)
Lifestyle - (Alt-S, L) Latest records for Occupation, Smoking, Alcohol, Exercise, Diet and Contraception. This is also a category under Management on the
Physiological Measurements (Alt-S, Y) - Latest record of BP, weight, height, pulse, heart exam. Also called Examination Findings Summary.
Health Promotion (Alt-S, H) - Qualifying records for Smoking, Alcohol, GP, Weight, Height, Family History, CHD, Stroke/TIA.
Disease Management - (Alt-S, G, then type one of the following underlined letters) - Summary Forms for Asthma, Diabetes, CV/BP, CVD Risk Calculation, Epilepsy
Mail for Patient (Alt-S, F) - See Mailbox icon - View Mail Manager results
Select Summary Form (Alt-S, S) - Many of these forms are directly accessible from the Patient Record screen. These are grouped in specific data areas, such as Test Results, Maternity Care, Epilepsy Management. Choose from Summary, Tabbed or Clinical Entities. The summary forms are individual pages of the Tabbed Forms, for example, the MaternityCare (tabbed) form has five sections or summary forms (Pregnancy Start, Ante-Natal, Investigations, Outcome, Infant Details).
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