Local Guidelines- Cardio-Vascular
Quality and Outcomes Framework Quality Indicators Guidelines enable you to enter the correct Read Codes required for the contract. The guidelines can be downloaded from the Vision website, the files unzipped into a separate directory, and then imported from the Select Guideline screen. Each guideline begins its mnemonic with nc, and the guidelines index is ncqi. The mnemonic for the CHD QI guideline is ncchd, that for Stroke/TIA is nccva, Hypertension nchypert.
CHD4 Coronary Heart Disease has been donated by Bury North PCG and written by Dr Kiran Patel, with reference to the National Service Framework for CHD. Its headings are Background, Risk Factor Recording, Interventions, This Consultation, and References.
HIPCHD - (NSF - HIP for CHD).This guideline has been produced in association with the Health Informatics Program for the National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease. It enables timely and accurate recording of relevant information to support patient care.