Medical Acronyms Used for Read Selection
Medical Acronyms, such as CTS - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, PMR - Polymyalgia Rheumatica, will now all work, as well as the ones that are alReady in Read like OC - Oral contraception, OD ‑ Overdose of drug.
Where entries are marked in column 4 as No under In Read alReady, then you will need to add the new keyword to trigger this Read term.
In Vision, use the Read dictionary select screen, display the code, then point to this and click with the right mouse, type in the keyword and select Add Keyword, OK (see Read formulary).
AA 13O5.00 Attendance allowance
AAA G71 Aortic aneurysm
ABO 431 ABO blood grouping
ACL S54210 Partial tear knee anterior cruciate ligament
ADD E2E0.00 Child attention deficit disorder
AF G573.00 Atrial fibrillation and flutter
AJ 2A4..00 O/E - ankle reflex
AMP 7K24.12 Austin Moore hemiarthroplasty of hip joint not using cement
AOM F510.00 Acute non suppurative otitis media
APH L11..11 Antepartum haemorrhage*
ARM 7F10.00 Surgical induction of labour
AS N100.00 Ankylosing spondylitis
AS G120.00 Rheumatic aortic stenosis
BAWO 7414511 BAWO
BHC 19EA.00 Change in bowel habit
BKWB 8344F00 Below knee weight-bearing cast
BNO 19C..00 Constipation
BOR 19C1.00 Not constipated
BPS 662..12 Hypertension monitoring
BS 44U..11 Blood sugar result
BTS 7L14311 Blood transfusion
CABG 7920y00 Saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery OS
CC N30z811 Costochondritis NOS
COAD H3...11 Chronic obstructive airways disease*
CRF K05..00 Chronic renal failure
CSOM F511.00 Chronic otitis media with effusion serous
CTR 7056000 Carpal tunnel release
CTS F340.00 Carpal tunnel syndrome
CVA G66..11 CVA unspecified
D&C (NotD+C) 7E07200 Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage of uterus NEC
D&V (Not D+V) 19FZ.11 Diarrhoea & vomiting symptom
DCR 7221300 Dacryocystorhinostomy NEC
DNA 9N42.00 Did not attend - no reason**
DV 8HK..00 Domiciliary visit requested
DVT G801.11 Deep vein thrombosis
DXT 7M37100 Radiotherapy NEC
ECG 3212.00 Standard ECG
ELSCS 7F12111 Elective lower uterine segment caesarean section (LSCS)
ERPOC 7E08000 Dilation cervix & vacuum aspirat products conception uterus
ERPC 7E08000 Dilation cervix & vacuum aspirat products conception uterus
FJS N14y.11 Facet joint syndrome
FP 61...00 Contraception
FROM 2H41.00 O/E - joint movement NAD No
FROM 9R7..00 Loan of items from practice
FTT R034200 [D]Failure to thrive
FUA 8H8..00 Follow-up arranged
GCA 611..00 General contraceptive advice
GF A75..11 Glandular fever *
GOK R2yz.11 [D]God only knows
GU J11..00 Gastric ulcer - (GU) *
HC 649..00 Child head circ. centiles
HGV 6925.11 HGV - heavy goods vehicle exam
HH 13G6 Home help
HH J34..11 Hiatus hernia
HI S640111 Minor head injury
HII 8A31.00 Head injury - nursing supervis
HVS 4JK2.00 High vaginal swab taken
IBS J521.11 Irritable bowel syndrome *
ICA 13O7.00 Invalid care allowance
IDK N07..00 Internal derangement of knee
IGTN M230000 Ingrowing great toe nail
IHD G3...13 IHD - Ischaemic heart disease
IMBR K595.00 Intermenstrual bleeding regular
IMBI K596.00 Intermenstrual bleeding irregular
IMI 7L18 Intramuscular Injection
ISQ 2128.00 Patient's condition the same
IV 7L15.00 Other intravenous transfusion
JVP 2483.11 O/E - JVP raised
KJ 2A2..00 O/E - knee reflex
LBA 16C5.00 C/O - low back pain
LBP 16C5.00 C/O - low back pain
LFT 44D..11 Liver function tests
LIF 1978.00 Left iliac fossa pain
LOC 1B6Z.00 Consciousness disturbance NOS *
LPID N122.00 Lumbar disc displacement
LSCS 7F12.00 Elective caesarian delivery
M.I. G30..15 MI - acute myocardial infarction
MATB 954..00 Mat B1 - cert of expected conf
MED3 9D1..00 MED3 - doctor's statement
MED4 9DF..00 MED4 Doctors statement
MED5 9D2..00 MED5 - doctor's special stat.
MOW 13G7 Meals on wheels
MOW 8HH3.00 Arrange meals on wheels
MS F20..00 Multiple sclerosis
MW 8H74.00 Refer to mid-wife *
NBI 2HA1.00 O/E - no bone abnormal
NND Q4z..12 Neonatal death
NOF S30..00 Fracture of neck of femur
OC 614..11 Oral contraception
OD SL...15 Overdose of drug
OK 8C9..00 Reassurance given
OM F510.00 Acute non suppurative otitis media
OMP 9K00.00 GOS18 received from OMP
OPD 8HE1.00 Discharged from outpatients
OPV 658..00 Polio vaccination
PAS N211z11 Painful arc syndrome
PCB K597.00 Postcoital bleeding
PCC 61A..11 Morning-after pill
PCL S542200 Partial tear knee posterior cruciate ligament
PE G401.00 Pulmonary embolism
PFR 3395.12 PFR - peak flow rate
PID K409.00 Acute pelvic inflammatory disease
PID(L) N122.00 Lumbar disc displacement (L)
PMB K5A1.00 Postmenopausal bleeding
PMR N20..00 Polymyalgia rheumatica
PND 1C84.00 C/O - post nasal drip
PND 1736.00 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
PNE 62S..11 Postnatal exam. - maternal
PNV 62R..00 Postnatal visits
PPH L36..00 Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) *
PSA 43Z2.00 Prostate specific antigen
PTSD Eu43100 [X]Post - traumatic stress disorder
PUO R006.00 [D]Pyrexia of unknown origin
RA N040.00 Rheumatoid arthritis
RBS 44T1.00 Random blood sugar
RIH J303012 Right inguinal hernia
RM7 9D4..00 RM7 - refer patient to RMO
RR 235..12 O/E - respiratory rate
RVD 66P2.00 Follow-up risk drug assessment
SAB N211600 Subacromial bursitis
SAH G60..00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage
SEN 03FE.00 State enrolled nurse
SOA 183..00 Oedema
SOB 1739.00 Shortness of breath
SOBN 1731.00 No shortness of breath
SOS 8HA2.00 Return only if necessary
SSG 7G1G.13 Split skin graft
SSP 13O2.00 Statutory sick pay
SSS G57y300 Sick sinus syndrome
SST N211300 Supraspinatus tendinitis
TA G755100 Temporal arteritis
TAH 7E04300 Total abdominal hysterectomy NEC
TATT 1683.00 Tired all the time
TB A1...00 Tuberculosis
TCA 8H8..00 Follow-up arranged
THR 7K20.1G THR - Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement
TIA G65..12 Transient ischaemic attack *
TLC 8BA2.00 Terminal care
TLC 8CC.00 Tender Loving Care
TMJ J046.00 Temporomandibular joint disorders*
TOP 7E08600 Termination of pregnancy NEC
TRAIN 8HA2.00 Return only if necessary
TS 4JF4.11 Throat swab
TSH 442..12 TSH level
TT 656..00 Tetanus vaccination
TUR 7B39000 Transurethral prostatectomy
TURP 7B39000 Transurethral prostatectomy
TVF 239..00 O/E - vocal fremitus
TWOC 66K9.00 Trial without catheter
URTI H05z.11 Upper respiratory tract infection NOS
US 62G..00 Antenatal ultrasound scan
UTA 9N47.00 Appt cancelled by patient
UTI K190.00 Urinary tract infection site not specified
UWG 8CD..00 Usual warning given
VMI 2126.00 Patient's condition improved
VSD P54..00 Ventricular septal defect
VV G83..00 Varicose veins of the legs
WL 9R5..00 Patient on waiting list