Creating your own Patient Information Leaflets (PILs)
Patient Information Leaflets are available from DXS and from the Patient-UK wsite.
You may wish to create your own Patient Information Leaflets and record that they have been issued to the patient. Using the Patient Advice command with a guideline, the following explains the principle:
- The text within the <BODY></BODY> commands is the content of your Patient Leaflet. Double clicking on this text will enable you to print it.
- The text that is within the <TITLE></TITLE> commands is what will appear in the Journal as a record of which PIL has been issued.
- Bring up your guideline and put it in design mode.
- Start with an Advice command
- Enter a suitable sub-heading
- Use the following as a guide to create your leaflet
<HTML><TITLE> Patient Leaflet Title goes here</TITLE><BODY>The text of your patient leaflet goes here</BODY></HTML>
Note - If you do not enter any Title text, then the entire Body text is recorded in the patient record.
You can use additional HTML "tags" for formatting the body section, Vision supports a limited number of these including
<H1>-<H6> - Headings
<UL> - Unstructured list (bulleted)
<OL> - Ordered list (numbered)
<LI> - To create each of the bulleted/numbered items in a list
<P> - Paragraph break
<HTML><TITLE>Scabies Advice Leaflet</TITLE><BODY><H1>Scabies Advice Leaflet</H1>Scabies is caused by a tiny mite which burrows under the skin<P><H3>Symptoms</H3><UL><LI>Itching <LI>Raised spots on the body</UL><H3>Treatment</H3><UL><LI>Permethrin is the currently recommended treatment as it is less likely to cause irritation<LI>Malathion is an alternative treatment</LI></UL></BODY></HTML>