Subheading In Reports - The blue, level one (parent) headings seen when a report is first displayed and collapsed are called Sub-headings, for example, Blood Pressure.
Sub-heading in Guideline - As with reports, sub-headings are important within guidelines as the main skeleton of the guideline, providing collapsible sections of the plan. In addition they can act as hooks for printing in sections. They should be inserted as the line before text lines, drug regimes, and optionally before multi-media lines.
- In design mode
, either click on Sub-heading
on the floating toolbar, or clicking with the right mouse, select Add, then Sub-Heading. This will insert a sub-heading after the currently selected line. You can also click and drag the Sub-heading icon across to the report, and insert it before the line on which you release the mouse.
- Then type in the sub-heading title - for example, Weight.
- Click OK.
The level and indent of the line is assigned automatically but you may alter this using right click and selecting Properties.
The Category Defaults for Subheadings are MS Sans Serif Font, Bold, point size 14; Colour - Navy; and within Properties, switched off are Initially expanded, word wrap and selectable.