Print Drug Information for Patient
When you are forming your own local guidelines, you can create lines specially for drug information that can be printed and handed to the patient.
For example, for angina attacks, a drug information line could advise the patient what to do and when to use the GTN tablet under the tongue.
This information can be printed out in exactly the same way as other patient advice.
To print the drug information, click on the drug information line to highlight it, then click on .
If you first want to add additional free text to the existing information, just for this patient, then double click on the line, to display an Edit Text to be Printed screen.
If Prefix is selected, any text you type in comes at the start of the text; and if Suffix, at the end. It is printed as additional Information.
Click OK for printing to start.
![](../Resources/Images/Assets/Icons/snippet icons/printer_icon.png)