Problems in the Consultation View

Having opened a problem, if you use the Consultation View, the associated problem at the top is used as the topic title. The topic title is replaced in the normal way as data is added to the consultation.

If you have a consultation with multiple problems, you need to control the topics by opening and closing the problems accordingly. When you first open a problem, all consultation data is copied to that problem and the Consultation topic associated with the problem. If you subsequently open another problem, then a new topic is automatically created in the Consultation column and that problem associated with it, all input is then directed to that problem.

Switching tabs in the Consultation column automatically switches problems in the Problem view, closing and collapsing the problem associated with the previous tab, and opening and expanding the problem associated with the new tab.

Subsequent opening of problems in the Problem view has the following effects, dependent upon the data entered in the Consultation view:

  • If the new problem has a Consultation tab associated with it, then the Consultation view automatically switches to that tab.
  • If there is no association to this problem in the Consultation view, but there is a tab with no data, then this tab is switched to and associated with this problem. Any previous association is lost.
  • If there is no association and all tabs have data, then a new tab is opened.