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Adding Consent Status

To add the consent status for a selected patient:

  1. From Consultation Manager select List - ECS Summary Management, from Summary and Consent Status, click More.

    Summary and Consent Status - More

    Note - When expanded, the More option changes to Less. This allows you to collapse the Summary and Consent Status.

  2. The Summary and Consent Status section displays.

    Summary and Consent Status

  3. You can now view the History and Change the consent status for all potential upload types. See:

    The resultant consents are summarised by the traffic lights on the tool bar and the short sentence at the bottom left corner of Summary and Consent Status section.

    To view the date and time of the last upload for either ECS or KIS click on History under the relevant option:

    ECS Upload History

In this section

Adding Consent Status for ECS

Adding Consent Status for KIS

Recording the Decision to Send/Not Send KIS

Internal Review Due Date