Add to Register

You can quickly add patients to a QOF register using the Vision+ Add to Register option.

  1. From Consultation Manager, select Add To Register from the main Vision+ menu or choose the icon from the toolbar.

  2. Choose the required register from the menu.
  3. The Read Code Data Entry screen displays with QOF compliant Read codes.

  4. Choose the Read code by selecting Apply. You can also enter a priority and notes.
    Note - Some QOF Categories require a drug to be present in addition to the Diagnostic Read codes in order for the patient to appear on the register.
  5. When adding a patient to a register that also requires therapy recording to count for QOF, a list of applicable therapy items displays below the Read code list. You have the following choices:
    • If you want to add therapy – Tick the Apply box. If the drug is to be prescribed as an acute prescription select Acute, if this box is not selected the drug is recorded as a Repeat.
    • If you have already recorded relevant therapy in Consultation Manager – You can ignore this list.

  6. Relevant Vision prescribing support displays; click OK to save the data.

Patients who have an end date entered in history or problems in Consultation Manager are automatically removed from the Vision+ register.

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.