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Northern Ireland Prescriptions

Northern Ireland prescriptions include the patient's` CHI number.

Prescriptions can be printed with a bar-code which incorporates all the drug data on the prescription. This will allow a pharmacist to read the barcode and dispense accordingly. Advanced Printing must be switched on for barcodes to be printed. Prescriptions created before 'Advanced Printing' is switched on cannot be re-printed.

In order to enable 2D prescription printing, a member of Vision will contact your surgery and remotely switch on this function. You can see if this functionality has been enabled from the front screen of Vision in Help – About Vision.

All data that is currently printed onto a prescription will also be encoded into a 2D barcode which is printed on the prescription. This contains:

  • The patient name, address and NHS number
  • All drug information (Drug name, strength, dosage and notes)
  • All GP and practice information (PPA, GMC and practice codes)

On dispensing, the pharmacist can scan the 2D barcode which holds the patient and drug details into their own computer system.

Note - With 2D Barcodes, there is no electronic transmission of prescription data.

For Northern Irish practices, the barcode will print on the bottom right-hand margin of the prescription. All other information held on the prescription had not changed position. Acute, repeat issues and repeat dispensing prescriptions will print with a barcode.

See also Barcoded Prescriptions – Wales and NI and Northern Ireland Nurse prescribing.