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Options from Select Drug Screen

Formulary - Click to check the Formulary box to select Formulary, if you want to list and select from the practice formulary. Uncheck the box if you want to list and select from the full dictionary. When listing the full dictionary during drug selection, a Formulary item has a small f in the left-hand margin. You can set your own default to select from either Formulary or Drug Dictionary (ask a system manager to do this for you in Security – see Default drug selection and formulary selection).

Discontinued - Click in the Discontinued box if you want to include discontinued drugs in the drug selection list (they are usually excluded by default). Discontinued items are displayed with a small d in the left-hand margin.

All Generics - Click on All Generics if you want the drug selection list to include all the branded generics and parallel imports. Generics have a "g" and parallel imports a "p" in the left-hand margin.

Special – Click on Special if you want to include special preparation items drug selection list. These are displayed with a small s in the left-hand margin.

Mode - If you click on the Mode button, a pop-window shows a choice of:

Select drug, the default. This is the normal mode for this screen, allowing you to select a drug in order to prescribe it and add to this patient's therapy.

or Maintain Formulary. This lets you add or remove therapy items from the practice formulary (see Maintaining the Formulary from Consultation Manager).

Hierarchy / List - If you click on the Hierarchy button, the dictionary listed is sorted into drug class instead of an alphabetical listing. If you have a drug currently selected, the drug class displayed is the one this drug belongs to. If no drug is highlighted, then the drug classes are displayed from the chapter headings. Click your way up and down the tree and select the item you want (see Hierarchy/Drug Class).

Find – Enter part of or a whole name of a drug and click on Find (see below for more detail).

Clear - Click on Clear to clear any selected drug in Name, in order to re-enter and search for another item.

OK - Click on OK to accept the currently displayed drug as the prescribable item.

Cancel – Escapes from this screen without selecting any item.

Drug allergy status - Any known allergies which have been entered for this patient are shown at the top of the bottom pane on the Select Drug screen – Product information.

Zoom – You can enlarge or decrease the drug list text size by selecting Ctrl + mouse scroll. The next time you view the list the text returns to the default size.