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Batch, Interval, Repeats

The Batch box relates to Repeat dispensing. Where repeat dispensing is required, you can produce a repeatable prescription on an FP10 and a further series of ‘batch issues’ (also printed on FP10s) of up to a year’s duration. The pharmacy retains the repeatable prescription which has been signed by the GP. The patient keeps the remaining batch issues or asks the pharmacist to keep them on his/her behalf, until he/she requires another issue of medication.

To create a new batch prescription, tick the Batch box.

  • An Interval box appears in place of Days Between Issues Min/Max. This denotes the interval between issues. The default is 28 days, but you can alter it if you like, using the abbreviated format - eg 2M (two months), 6W (six weeks) etc.
  • The Repeats box defaults to 6. This number of repeats can also be amended, though you cannot exceed one year (Interval x Repeats).

With Repeats at 6, and the interval set at 1 month, this is a repeat master - a batch prescription - with a batch of six issues, one month between issues.