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Reauthorise Repeat Dispensing Item

Reauthorisation of a batch prescription is the same as a repeat master. Once a batch prescription and all its issues has been printed, it is expired.

To reauthorise a Repeat Dispensing item:

  1. From Consultation Manager, select the patient required and open a consultation if necessary.
  2. From the Therapy tab, highlight the repeat dispensing item to be reauthorised and select Reauthorise Repeat as Batch .
  3. Providing the item has expired (it has reached its repeat until date), the Reauthorised Repeat Master - Add screen displays and completed as per the dates based on the the Repeat Dispensing Warning days set up in Consultation - Options - Setup.
  4. On issuing the item, the prescribed, and repeat until date are recalculated using the consultation date.
  5. If the original repeat dispensing item is active, it is now updated to inactive.

In this section

Bulk Reauthorisation