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The sections below detail how to troubleshoot some known issues with WCCG that some practices have been experiencing intermittently.

WCCG error messages are normally displayed at the bottom of the WCCG Referral Form. Other errors may appear as Vision dialog.

An unexpected error occurred retrieving the patient details

There are two different things which can cause this error. First follow the steps advised for (1) below. If the error recurs, then follow (2).

1) There is an issue with the pre-population of the Smoking, Alcohol and Exercise status dropdown questions which can also generate the same error message. The solution for this is to not pre-populate the smoking, alcohol and exercise questions but to use examination type questions instead, which also allows for the inclusion of any free text.

You should check the pre-population of the following in turn:

  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • exercise

2) This error message displays on the referral web form if there has been a memory leak. This is a Microsoft problem which WCCG are trying to resolve. In the mean time, if you see this error, please create the referral again at a later date.

The patient context could not be set

If you see this error on the referral web form, then check the System Event Log.

  1. From the Vision front menu, go into Management Tools - Event Log.
  2. Set the needed parameters (From and To Date, Select Patient or select User).
  3. Select Event Type - Other Events - Error Message.
  4. Click the Search button.
  5. When the search has displayed the error message, look in the Detail pane at the bottom of the screen for the highlighted message. The Source Error presents the cause of the failure.

    Note - If the error ‘Patient Context could not be set’ was due to Vision data failing schema validation, then a Vision error dialog displays first, with the same dialog logged in the Event log. So you do not have to open the Event Log to know why the problem occurred. The Event Log stores the errors for historical purposes, so it is useful to know where to look for historical error events. There are other factors that could cause the ‘Patient context could not be set error’ and these may not be trapped in the Event Log or displayed to the user.

Source Error - No GMC Code found for patient's registered GP

Check that the patient’s registered GP has a GMC code set up in Control Panel - File Maintenance - Staff.

Failed to get target @ practnum

This is because the practice number has not been set. Go into Control Panel - File Maintenance - Practice and make sure the National Identifier is entered.

If you are unable to identify and remedy the error, then contact the Helpline.

The patient details could not be validated. No Patient information has been received

If you see this error message on the patient web form, please contact the Vision helpdesk.

Incomplete Date Format

As you may be aware, Vision allows historical data to be recorded using an incomplete date format, i.e. a history entry may have an event date of 1999 or 02/1999. WCCG requires that all information that is included in a WCCG Referral must have a date format of dd/mm/yyyy. Vision can annotate any entries with an incomplete date format with 01. Below is listed how various partial date scenarios are resolved.

1. Record has no Event Date

  1. Date in Vision: Not Known
  2. Date passed to WCCG: 01/01/1900
  3. Comment passed to WCCG: "[DATE of EVENT UNKNOWN] free text comment up to the length limit of 198 characters"

2. Event Date is Year only

  1. Date in Vision: 1994
  2. Date passed to WCCG : 01/01/1994
  3. Comment passed to WCCG : "[YEAR OF EVENT 1994] free text comment up to length limit of 198 characters"

3. Event Date is Month and Year only

  1. Date in Vision: 02/1999
  2. Date passed to WCCG : 01/02/1999
  3. Comment passed to WCCG: "[MONTH AND YEAR OF EVENT 02/1999] free text comment up to length limit of 198 characters"

4. Comments field exceeds WCCG length limit (but valid date supplied)

  1. Date in Vision: 17/08/2003
  2. Date passed to WCCG: 17/08/2003
  3. Comment Passed to WCCG: "[TRUNCATED] free text comments up to length limit of 198 characters"

5. Partial Date AND Comments field exceeds WCCG length limit

  1. Date in Vision: 02/1987
  2. Date passed to WCCG: 01/02/1987
  3. Comment passed to WCCG: "[TRUNCATED][MONTH AND YEAR OF EVENT 02/1987] free text comments up to length limit of 198 characters"