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First Record that the Smear Has Been Taken

To record a smear:

  1. Select the patient required and if necessary start a consultation.
  2. Select Addand then Cytologyfrom the list.
  3. The Cervical Cytology – Add screen displays. Usually all defaults can be accepted by simply selecting OK. Date Smear Performed defaults to today's date. There is no need to enter any recall date at this stage. Date Smear Reportedremains blank. The Read Term for Result defaults 6859.00 Ca cervix - screen done.
  4. Select OK to accept the cytology record.

    Note - For this first smear entry, do not enter a recall record at this stage. If the patient is eligible by age for the target report, and the smear is adequate, it is automatically counted towards the practice target figures.

When the result is received, go to Cervical Cytology - Update Existing Smear Result.