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Eyes Read Terms

Entries can be made either from History Add or Select Read Term, To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, e.g., #1B83, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

Eyes Symptoms Read terms

12A1 FH: Glaucoma (glaucoma)

1B72 Diplopia / double vision

1B83 Has eye discharge

1B88 Dry eyes (dry)

1B86 Has an itchy eye

1B84 Has eye pain

1B85 Has a red eye

1B87 Has watering eyes

1B88 Dry eyes

2BA O/E - optic disc inspection

2BB O/E - retinal inspection

2BH2 O/E – fluorescein-corneal abr.

22EP O/E - intraocular pressure reading (leads to intra-ocular pressure SDA)

312 Visual testing (leads to intra-ocular pressure SDA)

3121 Visual testing not done (leads to intra-ocular pressure SDA)

3122 Visual testing done (leads to intra-ocular pressure SDA)

3123 Visual testing normal (leads to intra-ocular pressure SDA)

3124 Visual testing abnormal (leads to intra-ocular pressure SDA)

3126 Tonometry (tonometry) (leads to Intra-ocular pressure SDAs)

3128 Fundoscopy

312H Intraocular pressure right eye (default - left eye on intra-ocular pressure SDA)

312J Intraocular pressure left eye (default - right eye on intra-ocular pressure SDA)

Eyes Diagnoses and Interventions Read terms

668 Ophthalmological monitoring

66T1 Glaucoma monitoring (glaucoma)

7264.11 Intracapsular extraction of cataract (cataract)

A544 Ophthalmic herpes simplex (ophthalmic)

F4 Disorders of eye and adnexa (eye)

F4005 Eye infection (eye)

F4045 Intra-ocular haemorrhage (intra-ocul)

F4504.11 Raised intra-ocular pressure (IOP, ocular)

F41 Retinal detachments and defects (retinal, detachment)

F420 Diabetic retinopathy (diabetic, retinopath)

F425 Degeneration of macula and posterior pole (degenerati, macula)

F440.11 Iritis – acute (iritis)

F441.11 Chronic iritis (iritis)

F45 Glaucoma (glaucoma)

F450411 Raised intra-ocular pressure (IOP)

F46 Cataract (cataract)

F470 Hypermetropia (hypermetro)

F471 Myopia (myopia)

F472 Astigmatism (astigmatis)

F486 Night blindness (blindness, night)

F490 Blindness, both eyes

F492 Low vision, both eyes

F4C0 Acute conjunctivitis (conjunctiv)

F4C1 Chronic conjunctivitis (conjunctiv)

F4C14.11 Allergic conjunctivitis (allergic)

F4C2 Blepharoconjuctivitis (blepharoco)

F4C71 Subconjunctival haemorrhage (haemorrhag, subconjunc)

F4D0 Blepharitis (blephariti)

F4F14 Dry eye syndrome (dry, eye)

F4Kz4 Redness of eye NOS

F4H1 Optic atrophy (atrophy, optic)

S818 Intraocular foreign body (body, foreign, intraocula)

SD810 Corneal abrasion (abrasion, corneal)

SE1z Contusion, eye NOS

SG0 Foreign body on external eye (eye, fb, foreign)