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Mental Health Read terms

Entries can be made either from History Add or from Select Read Term. To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, e.g., #1B17, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

Psychiatric and Psychological Symptoms Read codes

For Alcohol related Read terms, see

13Hc Bereavement (bereavemen)

13HT1 Stress at home (home, stress)

13JM Problems at work (problems, work)

1465 H/O: depression (depression)

1466 H/O: anxiety state (anxiety)

1B1B.11 C/O – insomnia (insomnia)

1B13 Anxiousness

1BH Delusions (delusions)

1B17 Depressed

1B1J Emotional Problems (emotional)

1B1E Hallucinations (hallucinat)

1B1B Insomnia

1B1K Lonely (lonely)

1B1L Stress related problem (stress)

1B19 Suicidal

2257 O/E – depressed (depressed)

Psychiatric and Psychological Diagnoses

E000 Senile Dementia

E10z Schizophrenia

E11 Affective psychoses (affective)

E110 Manic disorder – single episode

E111 Recurrent manic episodes

E112 Single major depressive episode

E1121 Single major depressive episode, mild

E1124 Single major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis

E113 Recurrent major depressive episode

E1134 Recurrent major depressive episode, severe, with psychosis

E114 Bipolar affective disorder, currently manic

E115 Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed

E116 Mixed bipolar affective disorder

E117 Unspecified bipolar affective disorder

E118 Seasonal affective disorder (disorder, seasonal)

E11y Other and unspecified manic-depressive psychosis

E200 Anxiety States (anxiety, state)

E2001 Panic disorder (panic)

E2002 Generalised anxiety disorder (generalise)

E204 Neurotic depression reactive type (depression, neurotic, reactive)

E204.11 Postnatal depression (depression, natal, postnatal, post-natal)

E21 Personality Disorders (personalit)

E2141 Obsessive compulsive disorder ( obsessiona)

E23 Alcohol dependence (alcohol, dependence)

E230 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism (alcoholic, intoxicati)

E231 Chronic alcoholism

E24 Drug dependence (dependence, drug)

E240 Opioid type drug dependence (opioid)

E241 Hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence (hypnotic)

E255 Nondependent opioid abuse (opioid)

E256 Nondependent cocaine abuse (cocaine)

E259 Nondependent mixed drug abuse NOS (mixed)

E271 Anorexia nervosa (anorexia, nervosa)

E274 Non-organic sleep disorders (sleep)

E2751 Bulimia (bulimia, overeating)

E28 Acute Reaction to Stress (reaction, stress)

E2C1 Non aggressive unsocial conduct disorder

TJ94 Adverse reaction to benzodiazepine-based tranquillisers (benzodiaze, tranquilli)

TK Suicide / self-inflicted injury (self, sii, suicide)

Psychological Testing / Diagnostic Procedures Read codes

3A Disability Assessment - mental (assessment, disability, mental)

382 Diagnostic psychology (psychology)

383 Psychological Testing (psychologi)

384 Psychological Analysis (analysis)

3841 Psychoanalysis

3871 Diagnostic assessment

442 Thyroid hormone tests (thyroid)

44J3 Serum creatinine (creatinine)

44W8 Serum lithium level

46Q8 Urine benzodiazepine (benzodiaze)

665 Psych. Disorder monitoring (psychiatri)

8B3S Medication review (review)

8BA7 Relaxation therapy (relaxation)

9H8 On severe mental illness register (register)

9ON Stress monitoring admin. (stress)

Z5A1 Psychoanalysis

Z5 Psychotherapy - And hierarchical codes Z51, Z52, Z53 etc.

Z6Q Relaxation therapy

Counselling Read codes

671 Counselling – general

672 Person counselled

673 Person counselled by

6736 Counselled by a counsellor

674 Social counselling (social)

675 Grievance counselling (grieving)

677 Medical counselling (medical)

6772 Disease counselling

6779 Psychological counselling (psychologi)

9N2B Seen by counsellor

9NJ1 In-house counselling (counsellin)

Z4 Counselling

Z4L Psychological counselling

Z4B Disease counselling

Z41 Abuse counselling (abuse)

Z43 Behaviour modification technique (behaviour)

Z44 Breast feeding counselling (breast, breastfeed, counsellin, feeding)

ZI Physical and psychosocial approaches (and hierarchical codes ZI1, ZI2 etc)