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Gastrointestinal Read Codes

Entries can be made either from History Add or Select Read Term.. To select from Read, either use # followed by the code, e.g., #1625, or type in a Read term keyword - these are in italics below.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms, O/E Read terms

1621 Weight steady

1625 Abnormal weight loss

1675 Jaundice

1922 Sore Mouth

194 Swallowing symptoms (swallowing)

1952 Regurgitates food

1954 Indigestion

1955 Heartburn

1956 Peptic Ulcer Symptoms (peptic, symptoms, ulcer)

1961 No abdominal pain

1962 Colicky Abdominal Pain (colicky)

1963 Non-colicky Abdominal Pain

1965 Biliary Colic

1966 Infantile Colic

1969 Abdominal Pain

1972 Epigastric pain (epigastric)

198 Nausea

199 Vomiting

19A Abdominal Distension (abdominal, distension)

19B Flatulence/Wind

19C Constipation

19D Tenesmus

19EA Change in bowel habit (bowel, change)

19E9 Worms in faeces

19F Diarrhoea (diarrhoea)

2516 Abdomen examined – NAD

25J O/E – abdominal mass palpated (abdominal, mass)

2C21 O/E – not clinically anaemic

Gastrointestinal investigations and interventions Read terms

3612 Endoscopy carried out

3614.Endoscopy normal

36140 Gastroscopy normal

3615 Endoscopy abnormal

36150 Gastroscopy abnormal

3616 Check endoscopy - condition resolved

3617 Colonoscopy normal

3618 Colonoscopy abnormal

3619 Colonoscopy equivocal

361A Sigmoidoscopy normal

4JM Helicobacter breath test (breath, helicobact)

4JM0 Helicobacter breath test positive (positive)

4JM1 Helicobacter breath test negative (negative)

4JN Helicobacter blood test (blood, helicobact)

4JN0 Helicobacter blood test positive

4JN1 Helicobacter blood test negative

4JO CLO test for helicobacter pylori (CLO, helicobact, pylori)

4JO0 CLO test positive (CLO)

4JO1 CLO test negative (CLO)

664 GIT disease monitoring (GIT)

760L Antireflex operations (antireflux)

761 Stomach and pylorus operations (pylorus, stomach)

761D Fibreoptic endoscopic extirpation lesion of upper GI tract (endoscopic, extirpatio, fibreoptic, lesion)

761E Other therapeutic fibreoptic endoscopy on upper GI tract (endoscopic, GIT, fibreoptic)

761F Diagnostic fibreoptic endoscopic exam of upper GI tract (endoscopic, fibreoptic)

761F0 Diagnostic fibreoptic endoscopy & biopsy of upper GI tract (biopsy)

761F1 Diagnostic gastroscopy NEC

761Fy Diagnostic fibreoptic endoscopic exam of upper GI tract OS

761Fz Diagnostic fibreoptic endoscopic exam of upper GI tract NOS

7645 Creation of ileostomy (ileostomy)

7701z00 Other excision of appendix NOS

771B.11 Colostomy (colostomy)

771J Diagnostic endoscopic examination on colon

771Q Diagnostic rigid sigmoidoscopic examination of sigmoid colon

771M Diagnostic fibreoptic sigmoidoscopic examination lower bowel

7810.11 Cholecystectomy

7840 Total excision of spleen (excision, total)

7H1 Abdominal wall operations (abdominal, wall)

8BAC Helicobacter eradication therapy (eradicatio, helicobact, therapy)

8BAE Dual therapy Helicobacter pylori (dual, helicobact, pylori, therapy)

8BAF Triple therapy Helicobacter pylori (helicobact, pylori, therapy, triple)

Gastrointestinal Diagnoses Read terms

A0 Intestinal infectious diseases (intestinal)

A01 Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers

A020 Salmonella gastroenteritis (gastroente, salmonella)

A03 Shigellosis (shigellosi)

A04 Other bacterial food poisoning

A06 Other protozoal intestinal diseases (intestinal, protozoal)

A08..11 Gastric flu (flu, gastric)

A082.11 Travellers' diarrhoea (diarrhoea, travellers)

A0821.11 Viral gastroenteritis

A083 Diarrhoea of presumed infectious origin (diarrhoea)

A083.11 Diarrhoea & vomiting -? Infect. (D&V, D-V)

A083. 12 Infantile gastroenteritis (infantile)

A542 Herpetic gingivostomatitis (gingivosto)

A70 Viral hepatitis (hepatitis, viral)

AC70 Ascariasis - roundworms

AC74 Enterobiasis – threadworm (enteriobias, threadworm)

B1 Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs (malignant)

D00 Iron deficiency anaemias (IDA, iron)

G84 Haemorrhoids (haemorrhoi)

J082 Oral aphthae (aphthae, oral)

J101 Oesophagitis (oesophagit)

J1011 Reflux oesophagitis (reflux)

J10y4 Oesophageal reflux without mention of oesophagitis

J102 Ulcer of oesophagus (ulcer)

J11 Gastric Ulcer (gastric, gu, ulcer)

J12 Duodenal Ulcer (du, duodenal, ulcer)

J13 Peptic Ulcer (site unspecified) (peptic, pu, ulcer)

J15 Gastritis and Duodenitis (duodenitis, gastritis)

J155 Gastritis unspecified

J16y4 Dyspepsia (dyspepsia)

J2 Appendicitis (appendicit)

J20 Acute appendicitis

J3 Hernia of abdominal cavity (hernia)

J30 Inguinal Hernia (inguinal)

J31 Femoral Hernia (femoral)

J32 Umbilical Hernia (umbilical)

J34 Diaphragmatic Hernia (diaphragma)

J34 Hiatus hernia (use synonym) (diaphragma)

J40 Regional enteritis - Crohn’s Disease (crohn, crohns, regional)

J4101 Ulcerative Colitis (colitis)

J43 Gastroenteritis

J431 Toxic gastro-enteritis (gastroente, toxic)

J43z Chronic diarrhoea

J50 Intestinal Obstruction (no hernia) (intestinal, obstructio)

J510 Diverticulosis (diverticul)

J511 Diverticulitis (diverticul)

J520 Constipation – functional (constipati, functional)

J520z Constipation NOS

J521 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (colon)

J530 Anal fissure (fissure)

J55 Peritonitis (peritoniti)

J573011 Rectal bleeding (bleeding)

J61 Cirrhosis and Chronic Liver Disease (cirrhosis, liver)

J62 Liver abscess and sequelae of chronic liver disease (abscess, liver)

J64 Cholelithiasis (cholelithi)

J64..15 Gallstones (gallstones)

J67 Diseases of pancreas (pancreas)

J681 Melaena (melaena)

J69 Intestinal malabsorption (intestinal, malabsorpt)

J690 Coeliac disease (coeliac)

M180 Pruritus ani (pruritus, ani)

R070 [D] Nausea and vomiting

R077100 [D] Stools loose

R090 [D] Abdominal pain (abdominal, pain)

R0903 [D] Infantile colic (colic, infantile)