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Expand All Levels

With a patient report displayed on screen, if you click on , the Expand all levels icon, all the report headings will open out to display the currently selected patient's details.

You can also expand a single blue heading by clicking on a heading once; click again to collapse.

Use the scroll arrow on the right of the screen to scroll down the report.

Where there is a line No data available, this means there is no record in this clinical area.

If there is the message No Relevant Data Available, this implies there are clinical records in this area, but none that fit the criteria of the line.

The line may have instructions to filter out data, for example, Significant Medical History priorities may only show priority 1-3 records, and not those between priorities 4 and 9. Other lines may be instructed to show only the last so many records, ignoring earlier ones.

If, when you expand a line, you see a second level line which is underlined, this is usually a Last Consultation line:

this means you can click on that line again and reveal the data entries made during that consultation:

Re-clicking on the underlined line will close it up again.

The above feature is particular to Consultations and Problems in that only Level 2 consultation dates or Problems are displayed, when the report is expanded. You can then expand each line to show details of the consultation or categories within a problem.