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To Review the Patients in a Group
  1. From Consultation Manager, select Consultation - Options - Setup.
  2. On the Consultation tab, uncheck Start New Consultation When a Patient is Selected, and Display Consultation Form When New Consultation is Opened / Closed.
  3. Select Consultation - Select a Patient Group.
  4. From the list of groups, double click to select the disease register group, for example, Asthma Register.
  5. The patients are listed in the middle pane. If you double click on a patient name, clinical information is shown in the right-hand pane.
  6. If you want to look a patient's full journal view, click on CM - Pt Select Icon under the main toolbar.
  7. This displays the main Patient Record. You are able to view, edit or delete records, but, because you have not started a consultation, not add any data.
  8. When you are ready to go on to the next person in the group, click Consultation - Next Group Patient.