Completing a Data Entry Form

To complete a data entry screen, you must click OK to save the record.

If you finish a screen incompletely, for instance, by clicking on another tab while you still have the data entry form displayed, you will see the message: The Data entered in this form has not been saved. You may choose to save data before continuing [use the Save Data button] or you may wish to discard your changes [use Discard Changes]. Alternatively, pressing Cancel allows you to complete the form manually. Save Form / Discard Changes / Cancel.

Note – If the form has not been changed eg you have only selected a Read term and have not selected or added other data to the form, you may not see the discard prompt. Make sure you press OK to save all entries.

If you press cancel or the escape key on any open data entry form in Consultation Manager (including reminder and patient warning forms), you are prompted with the following option: "Your data will not be saved. Click OK to continue without saving, or Click cancel to return." This prevents forms from being accidentally cancelled and lost.