Identify Eligible Patients

You can quickly identify patients who may be eligible for unplanned admissions by running the Admissions Risk Stratification and Register Manager Report.

  1. Log into Vision 3.
  2. From the Windows Notification Area, right click Vision+ Vision+ Icon in Notification Area and select Practice Reports:

  3. Select the Enhanced Services icon.

  4. Select Admissions Risk Stratification and Register Manager.

  5. The report shows the admission risk stratification results. It displays a number of cohort lines, including all permanent and applied patients over the 18 and those over 18 not on the Personal Care Plan Register.
    Note - The report also groups patients by age and risk of admission, offering additional stratification, should you wish to use them.

    Risk Stratification and Manager reports

  6. To view patient names double click on the cohort line or select Expand . If you click on a patient you can use the toolbar at the top of the screen to:
    • Print Preview, Print, CSV File - Print or Export the patient list
    • Open Patient - This takes you directly into this patient's Consultation Manager screen
    • Codeset - This option allows you to add an emergency admission clinical term to the patient record
    • Show Template - This option launches the Personalised Care Plan Manager Register Template
    • Show Indicators - This brings up the patient's Alert Indicator pop-up window without having to open Consultation Manager
    • Indicator Logic - This option allows you to see why the patient is on the cohort list

  7. You now need to run the QAdmission Risk Stratification tool on your cohort of patients. It is anticipated that you will run the QAdmission calculator on all patients aged over 18 not on the Personalised Care Plan Register. This group excludes patients who have declined inclusion and those who have been offered inclusion but are not yet on the register.
    Note - Vulnerable patients under the age of 18 are not included in the 2% target, but you may want to include these patients in the Personalised Care Plan Register for monitoring purposes.
Training Tip - Select the Last Run option if you have closed the Risk Stratification report, but you now want to view it again.