
The Vision+ FGM Module enables you to accurately view and record a female patient's FGM history using the accompanying template. The template allows for a discussion (and its documentation) with the patient around consent for non-anonymised data collection (which is manually entered to an excel file). The Report generated in Vision+ helps decide whether a patient is appropriate to include in the Excel claim file that can be uploaded, via CAP (Clinical Audit Platform), to HSCIC.

Patient Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

The following criteria apply:

  • Male patients are automatically excluded.
  • Female patients of all ages are eligible.
  • Female patients with FGM clinical terms are listed in the report. The clinical terms included are:
    • Clinical term 15K - History of Female Genital Mutilation
    • Clinical term K578 - Female Genital Mutilation
    • Clinical term K5780 - FGM type I - WHO classification
    • Clinical term K5781 - FGM type II - WHO classification
    • Clinical term K5782 - FGM type III - WHO classification
    • Clinical term K5783 - FGM type IV - WHO classification
  • Consent is NOT mandatory but is recommended, therefore, the FGM reports display the different consent statuses per patient (consent/dissent/absent) but the final decision to include a patient or not is with the practice.
  • GP2GP does not pick up the specific free-text around the issue of consent, so new patients to the practice with FGM clinical terms are reported by the module as having consent absent with relation to the extract.
    Note - For more information on the FGM Prevention Programme, see HSCIC - FGM. For the WHO FGM definitions, see WHO definitions.