Reviewing the Information Prescription Manager Reports

This area of the guide details the different Information Prescription Manager reports and describes the key points when reviewing the results. After identifying the patients you can easily work on aggregates of patients, see Interacting with Patient Lists.

Key Points

  • Register - The register line displays patients with Diabetes
  • Patient has diabetes and high blood pressure - This report displays diabetic patients who meet the following criteria:
    • Any blood pressure reading that is at or over160/90 or
    • Any 2 blood pressure readings (taken over two separate dates) are at or over 140/80 or
    • Last 2 estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) readings are less than 60 and the last blood pressure is at or over 130/80
  • Patient has diabetes and bad cholesterol - This report displays diabetic patients who conform to the following criteria:
    • Last total cholesterol is at or over 4
    • Last LDL cholesterol is at or over 2
    • Last triglycerides is at or over 1.7
  • Patient has diabetes and high blood glucose (HbA1c) - This report displays diabetic patients who meet the following criteria:
    • The patient has been diagnosed with Diabetes in the last 8 years (based on the date the patient was added to the register) and their last HbA1c is greater than 6.5% or 48mmol/mol
    • The patient has been diagnosed for longer than 8 years (based on the date the patient was added to the register) and their last HbA1c is greater than 7.5% or 58mmol/mol