CKD Manager

The CKD Manager reports are designed to assist in surveying the accuracy of your CKD register.

Note - Some report lines only display if you have patients who meet the relevant criteria.

Key Points

  • CKD Manager Reports not grouped into a sub category - The report lines listed at the top under the category CKD Manager display here to make it easier to see the overall performance of your CKD Register.
  • Currently on CKD Register - This report looks for all patients whose most recent clinical term recorded is CKD Stage 3 (or worse). This information is for reference purposes and can be used to compare with your QOF/QAIF CKD Register.
  • On CKD Register and has correct stage - This report is very precise and will for example, exclude CKD Stage 3 if in fact the patient is CKD stage 3a with Proteinuria.
  • On CKD register but most recent CKD Stage is not accurate - This report identifies patients who are correctly on the CKD Register but do not have the most precise CKD stage clinical term assigned, for example CKD Stage 3a.
  • Not on CKD Register but should be - This report line displays patients who meet the diagnostic criteria for a specific CKD Stage but who have no CKD Stage 3 (or above) clinical term assigned in their records. Each patient's record can be reviewed.
  • On CKD register but should not be - This report line shows all patients with a clinical term CKD Stage 3 (or worse) as the most recent recorded entry, but who have an eGFR greater than 59 on the last two occasions.
  • ACEi/ARB indicated - This report specifically identifies patients who meet the NICE clinical guidance for ACEi/ARB indications in CKD. This is important as prescribing ACEi/ARB indications for these patients can reduce the rate of renal decline.
  • First GFR < 60 - should retest 1-2/52 - This is Overdue? - This report identifies new patients to add to the CKD register when retested.
  • Retest ACR - most recent result is elevated - CKD Manager requires two elevated ACR's before it advises on ACEi/ARB indicators, as per the NICE guidance.
    Training Tip - Remember you can work on the reports using Interacting with Patient Lists or Using the Merge Category/Indicator Option.